Tuesday, 26 January 2016

HM - How is like to have a stroke

How is like to have a stroke?

A very good description was made by Jill Bolte Taylor, is an American neuroanatomist, author, and inspirational public speaker on her TED talk "My Stroke of Insight".

(You can see the full lesson here:http://ed.ted.com/lessons/jill-bolte-taylor-s-stroke-of-insight)

I know people with Hemiplegic Migraine don't have really strokes but they share allot of the symptoms and is hard to describe to others what is like to have this happening to you. 

I listen to her story while I was doing some tasks and I was all the time having "THIS IS IT! Was exactly like this!" moments.

Share this video with your family and friends.  In the end of it the speaker talks about the moral of the story and is very interesting.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Tip - Seed or not to seed

In Portugal I always bought plants to transplant. It was more save and produced fewer waists. Here in Germany I didn’t find yet these plants to transplant so I have to use seeds.

If you have a small garden buying plants to transplant to your garden is the smartest way but if you have a bigger garden the cheapest way is do it is by using seeds.

Anyway using at least once seeds is great to learn a little more about growing plants.

Friday, 1 January 2016

JANEIRO - Calendário da Época das Sementeiras


Semear: Agriões, Aipo, Alho Pôrro, Alfaces, Beterraba de Mesa, Cebolas, Coentros, Chicória, Couves diversas, Ervilhas, Espinafres, Favas, Nabos Serôdios, Nabiças, Rabanetes, Salsa, Tomates, Beterrabas Forrageira.

Flores: Ciclamens, Crisântemos, Ervilhas de Cheiro, Gipsófila.

Flores (Bolbos): Begónias, Dálias, Gladíolos, Gipsófila Vivaz, Gloxínias, Liliuns, Jarros.