Saturday, 2 April 2016

DIY - Shopping bag from a top

In 2015 I bought a second hand sewing machine for 60€!

It was always on my wish list to learn how to sew so I did a basic sewing course in the VHS Stuttgart (CONQUER YOUR DREAMS)!!! Der Nähmaschinen-Führerschein für Einsteigerinnen gave me all the skills that I needed to start this hobby and now here I'm doing my first sewing DIY. <3


After using a piece of clothe for a long while I start to feel attached to it. So much that when I can't use it anymore I feel that I betrayed it... 

That was exactly what was happening with this top. Is just a normal white top with very pretty 3D pattern.  I loved it but it was too worn out. I couldn't keep it in my wardrobe anymore because I'm too distracted and in the morning I can dress anything even if it's not good anymore and only will notice it when I get to work.

Because I'm becoming more conscient about the use of plastic in my daily life I decided to do a shopping bag from it.

Here we go!!!

How to do a Shopping Bag using a top

     1. Take out the label etiquette

     2. Sew the bottom

This is just a very simple instruction. Perfect for beginners!
Sew the bottom!

Don't forget that you are doing a bag for carrying shopping items. This means it may be used to carry heavy stuff and needs to be strong enough to be able to hold it.

     3. Give shape to your new bag

This DIY tutorial couldn't be so easy to do... So we have a couple more steps!

We need to give shape to bag. Fold the bottom of the top into a square shape. I marked 7 cm from the edge.

I used this yellow pencil. It's like the ones that we used at school to highlight important sentences in our schoolbooks. I don't know if it's the best method, but it was what I had at hand at the moment. 

Draw a straight line and sew this little triangle. Do it on both sides. Afterwards cut the edges to get rid of excess tissue. Do not forget to sew this part really well, do it so that the sewing is strong and the bag reliable enough to be used.
This should be the end result.


     4. Uhuhuh you have a new Shopping Bag

1 comment:

  1. That's very cool. You go, girl :D keep it green. Thanks for sharing
