Friday 27 November 2015

DIY Advents Calendar - Poetic Style

I learned about advents calendar when I moved here. This little tradition of preparing a little surprise for each day of December until the 24th grown on me,

I decided I would do an Advents Calendar for Carl even if he didn't want one... 

If you wonder if my boyfriend would maybe read this and see his surprise in advance... don't worry he doesn't read my blogs... I guess no one does :P

The idea was that I would make something by myself and he could keep it later.

Because I'm always complaining that we don't have any decoration on my apartment walls I decided to make some wall Art! Romantic wall Art :)

1st Step: Pick the Poem

I searched for the perfect verses that I wanted to work with. It needed to be special because it's going to stay in our wall for a while.

I wanted it to be a Portuguese poet and the verses would have to be in Portuguese.

So I picked a poem from Fernando Pessoa

"Quando te vi, amei-te já muito antes.
Tornei a achar-te quando te encontrei.
Nasci pra ti antes de haver o mundo."

"When I saw you, I loved you already long time ago.
I found you again when I met you.
I was born for you before there was world."

2nd Step: Prepare the base

What I did is to put the white papers that I was going to use on the table and tried to paint the base for the calligraphy. I used watercolour paint and did just random (very fast) "art" work.

3rd Step: Calligraphy

Just tried to write in the paper one or two words with different types of calligraphy. I'm not an expert but I think I did a good job.

4th Step: Check if you didn't miss any part of the verses


5th Step: Roll it up


Hope he loves it :)

What you guys think?

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